DNAscope LongRead Nanopore Pipeline

- Optimized pipeline for SNP/Indel/SV detection;
- Higher accuracy than Claire3 and Sniffles2;
- DNAscope for ONT is 3-5x faster;
Fast and Accurate SNP/Indel Calling Pipeline
- Integrated pipeline from fastq to VCF, perform alignment and variant calling;
- Output GVCF and VCF files; Supports Chemistry R10.4 and above;
- Compared to Clair3, Sentieon pipeline reduces SNP error by over 50%, reduces Indel error by 10-25%;

Highly Accurate Structural Variants Calling Pipeline
Haplotype-resolved single base resolution SV caller

Rapid Alignment and Variant Calling
- Sentieon Minimap2-turbo and variant caller is ~5x faster than opensource pipeline in generating VCF or GVCF files;
- Benchmark was conducted analyzing 73x HG002 dataset using 64 core Intel Xeon Gold 5218 server;
- Adding in the SV calling is negligible to the total time;