Enabling Precision Data for Precision Medicine

Sentieon® develops and supplies accelerated bioinformatics secondary analysis tools that process genomics data with high computing efficiency and exceptional accuracy.

Award Winning Products

What We Offer

Sentieon® Sequencer Agnostic Secondary Analysis - FASTQ-BAM-VCF-GVCF

CPU/ARM accelerated software for drop-in replacements/improvements for BWA-MEM, STAR, Minimap2, GATK, Mutect2, and large cohort joint calling. DNAscope pipeline supports both short reads and long reads from all mainstream sequencing platforms.

  • Uncompromising accuracy   
  • Fast turnaround: <30 min on 30x WGS   
  • Cost efficient 
  • Support for all short and long read sequencers

The Sentieon® tools achieve their efficiency and consistency through optimized computing algorithm design and enterprise-strength software implementation, and achieve high accuracy using the industry’s most validated mathematics models.

Sentieon® solutions are easily scalable, easily deployable, easily upgradable, software-only solutions.

Our Tools In Use

Sentieon software runs on any Intel, AMD, or ARM server.

Accumulated Core Hours


Trusted By Clients


Total Data Processed

2,764,999+ TB


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